Roller workshop in Jászberény, Hungary
2015.12.14. 15:20
The ROLLERPROJECT team got together to evaluate our achievements, and to create an action plan for next year. The workshop was held in the Eagle Centre in Jászberény, Hungary.
We've had great views of the Puszta.
The project partners gave a presentation on the progress they’ve made since last September. Béla Tokody started the day by introducing the team to the work the MME (BirdLife Hungary). His talk was followed by a presentation given by László Tóth from the Bükk National Park Directorate. The negative effects of the beech marten predation on roller breeding success has also been mentioned.
Béla Tokody (MME) giving a talk.
László Tóth (BNPI) giving a talk.
Zoltán Vajda introduced us to the achievements of the Kiskunság National Park Directorate. Péter Pál Sütő gave a talk on the forestry work carried out by the Dalerd Zrt.
Péter Pál Sütő (Dalerd Zrt) giving a talk.
Lőrinc Barbos from the Environment Protection Agency of Satu Mare County, and Szilárd Daróczi from the Milvus Group explained the accomplishments achieved by the Romanian partners.
The afternoon was dedicated to creating a detailed action plan for next year with the help of Béla Tokody, Péter Palatitz és Zsófia Sümegi. We’ve agreed on how to proceed with the acquisition of artificial nestboxes, monitoring and satellite tagging rollers, and the Farmers for roller project.
Gabriella Göcző