Pétör is on his way - the journey of a satellite tagged roller
2016.04.09. 11:54
The first Hungarian tagged rollers have set off on their spring migration in order to return to their breeding stes. "Csele" will be heading for Kiskunhalas while "Pétör" is already en route towards Orosháza. These tagged birds provide a host of useful information on the migration about the rollers of the Carpathian Basin.
Roller (Photo: Bence Máté).
Our birds left their Hungarian breeding sites last September. The journey to their wintering sites is more than 7000 kms long. It took 3 months -with short stopovers- to arrive to their final wintering grounds, into the northern part of Namibia and Botswana.
The track and location of "Pétör" (red) and "Csele" (yellow).
In comparison, a Spanish project tracked the migration of several tagged birds between 2011 and 2014. The Spanish results showed that the autumn migration is a month longer than the spring one. This is mainly caused by the urge to reach the breeding grounds as quickly as possible in order to occupy the best territories.
"Pétör" is already on his way. He is presently taking a short rest in Congo, by the Lake Tanganyika.
„Pétör" (red) has already set off.
Lake Tanganyika (Source: afroshonga.blogspot.hu).
Csele is still in Botswana, and we are eagre to see her setting off.
Tagged roller (Photo: Béla Tokody).
Our tagged birds can be followed on line on this map: http://www.satellitetracking.eu/inds/showmap/?check_219=219&check_217=217.
Gabriella Göcző